Bring the quality of Baileigh Industrial metalworking equipment to your shop at a reduced price.

On this page you'll find special offers on cheap, used woodworking machinery. Why the discounts?

Please note you must call

(920) 684-4990

to place orders for used and demo machines

  • A scratch or dent makes the machine less cosmetically perfect.
  • We used the machine for a trade show demo.
  • Overstocked merchandise needs to be sold.

Be sure to check this page often, as our inventory of used woodworking/wood shop equipment for sale continues to cycle.

With the prices of these machines, they'll sell fast.

Questions? Ready to order? Give us a call: (920) 684-4990.

THROUGH 3/31/24!*
2' x 3' CNC RouterWR-32Scratch & Dent$11,174.0010%$10,056.60$7,039.62
2' x 3' CNC RouterWR-32Demo$11,174.0020%$8,939.20$6,257.44
4' x 8' CNC Router With ATCWR-84V-ATC$45,164.0015%$38,389.40$26,872.58
5' x 10' CNC Router With ATCWR-105V-ATCDemo$65,877.9930%$46,114.59$32,280.22
5' x 10' CNC Router With ATCWR-105V-ATCScratch & Dent$65,877.9925%$49,408.49$34,585.94
Dust Collectors
Currently not available. Please check back soon.
Down Draft Tables
Currently not available. Please check back soon.
Wood Lathes
Currently not available. Please check back soon.
Drill Presses
Drill PressDP-2012F-HD-V3Scratch & Dent$1,693.990%$1,693.99$1,185.79
Currently not available. Please check back soon.
Currently not available. Please check back soon.
Industrial PlanerIP-156-HHScratch & Dent$4,305.9910%$3,875.39$2,712.77
Currently not available. Please check back soon.
Spindle Shapers
ShaperSS-2421-V2Scratch & Dent$1,688.005%$1,603.60$1,122.52
Spindle SanderOS-2424Scratch & Dent$2,430.005%$2,308.50$1,615.95
Table Saws
10" Table SawTS-1040P-30-V2Scratch & Dent$3,913.005%$3,717.35$2,602.15
Band Saws
Currently not available. Please check back soon.


These products move fast, call our sales team today for more information or to purchase! (920) 684-4990


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